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Cookie policy

Cookies are small data or text files that are placed on your local computer by websites and applications. Such cookies can have different purposes: there are technical cookies (for example, for maintaining language settings), session cookies (temporary cookies that expire after one session) and tracking cookies (cookies that track and track your behaviour on the internet, so that you to be able to offer a more optimal user experience).

The Belgian Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005 contains a number of provisions concerning cookies and their use on websites. The law is a transposition of the European e-Privacy Directive, which means that cookie legislation can be implemented differently in other European states.

25 Projects BV is based in Belgium and therefore follows Belgian legislation on cookies.

Purpose and usefulness of cookies

25 Projects BV wants to inform every visitor to the platform/website as well as possible about its rights under Belgian legislation on cookies, and about which cookies 25 Projects BV uses. By using the website, the visitor agrees to the use of cookies. Cookies help 25 Projects BV to optimize your visit to the website, to remember technical choices (for example, a language choice, a newsletter, etc.) and to show you more relevant services and offers.

If you want to consult the website of 25 Projects BV, it is recommended that the technical settings for cookies are enabled. Without cookies enabled, 25 Projects BV cannot guarantee a hassle-free visit to the website. If you prefer not to wish cookies, you as a visitor are free to disable cookies.

We use cookies to improve your visit to our platform/website. The cookies we use are secure. The information we collect using cookies helps us to identify any errors or to show you specific services that we think may be of interest to you.

Types of cookies used by 25 Projects BV

We distinguish the following types of cookies according to their purposes:

Essential / strictly necessary cookies:

These cookies are necessary for the platform/website to function and cannot be disabled in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions that you have taken, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. They are necessary for good communication and they facilitate navigation (for example, returning to a previous page, etc.).

Take note of our privacy statement for more information regarding the processing of personal data by 25 Projects BV.

Cookie management

Make sure that cookies are enabled in your browser. To enable cookies, the following actions must be performed:

With browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • In Internet Explorer, click on 'Internet options' in the 'Extra' menu.
  • On the 'Privacy' tab, move the settings slider to 'low' or 'accept all cookies' (setting above 'medium' disables cookies).
  • Click "OK."

For browser - Mozilla Firefox

  • Click on 'Firefox' in the top left corner of your browser and then click on 'Options'.
  • On the 'Privacy' tab, make sure that the 'Let websites know that I do not want to be followed' is unchecked.
  • Click "OK."

For browser - Google Chrome

  • Click on the three dots next to the browser bar at the top of your browser window and choose 'Options'.
  • Find the 'Privacy and security' section and click on 'content settings'.
  • Click on the 'cookies' option.
  • Now select 'Allow sites to save and read cookie data'.

With browser - Safari

  • Select 'Preferences' in the task menu. (The task menu is located at the top right of the Safari window and looks like a gear or click on 'Safari' in the extended task menu.)
  • Click on the Privacy tab. Look for the section called "Cookies and other website data"
  • Indicate that you accept cookies.

If you want to consult the platform/website of 25 Projects BV, it is recommended that you have cookies enabled. However, if you prefer not to, you are free as a visitor to disable cookies via your browser settings. This can be done in the following ways:

With browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • In Internet Explorer select the Extra button and select Internet options.
  • Select the Privacy tab and move the slider up under Settings to block all cookies. Click OK.

For browser - Mozilla Firefox

  • Click on the menu button and choose 'Preferences'.
  • Select the 'Privacy & Security' panel and go to the 'History' section.
  • Stel naast 'Firefox zal' in op 'Aangepaste instellingen gebruiken voor geschiedenis'.
  • Stel 'Cookies van derden accepteren' in op 'Nooit'.
  • Sluit de pagina 'about: preferences'. Wijzigingen die u hebt aangebracht, worden automatisch opgeslagen.

Bij browser – Google Chrome

  • Selecteer 'Meer Instellingen' in de browserwerkbalk.
  • Selecteer onderaan de pagina de optie 'Geavanceerd'.
  • Selecteer bij 'Privacy en beveiliging' de optie 'Instellingen voor content'.
  • Select 'Cookies'.
  • Schakel 'Sites toestaan cookiegegevens op te slaan en te lezen' uit.

Bij browser – Safari

  • Kies 'Voorkeuren' in het taakmenu. (Het taakmenu bevindt zich rechtsboven in het Safari-venster en ziet eruit als een tandwiel of klik op 'Safari' in het uitgebreide taakmenu.)
  • Klik op het Privacy tabblad. Zoek de sectie genaamd 'Cookies en andere websitegegevens'
  • Duid aan dat u cookies niet aanvaardt.

Of raadpleeg hiervoor de help-functie van uw internetbrowser.

Rechten van de bezoekers

Aangezien cookies een verwerking van persoonsgegevens kunnen uitmaken, heeft u als betrokkene recht op de rechtmatige en veilige verwerking van de persoonsgegevens. Als betrokkene kan u volgende rechten uitoefenen:

  • Recht op verzet: Indien er sprake is van een zwaarwegende en gerechtvaardigde redenen kan men zich verzetten tegen de verwerking van persoonsgegevens.
  • Recht op toegang: Iedere betrokkene die zijn identiteit bewijst, beschikt over een recht op toegang tot de informatie rond het al dan niet bestaan van verwerkingen van zijn persoonsgegevens, net als de doeleinden van deze verwerking, de categorieën van gegevens waarop deze verwerkingen betrekking hebben en de categorieën van ontvangers aan wie de gegevens worden verstrekt.
  • Recht op verbetering: Onnauwkeurige of onvolledige persoonsgegevens kunnen op verzoek van de betrokkene steeds verbeterd of zelfs uitgewist worden.

De uitoefening van deze rechten gebeurt conform de modaliteiten zoals bepaald in onze privacyverklaring. Meer informatie over de rechten van bezoekers vindt u ook in de privacyverklaring. Mocht u na het lezen van deze cookieverklaring toch nog vragen of opmerkingen rond cookies hebben, kan u steeds contact opnemen via Mocht u na het lezen van deze cookieverklaring toch nog vragen of opmerkingen rond cookies hebben, kan u steeds contact opnemen via

Come and enjoy Hotel Burgemeesterhuys
Burgemeesterhuys B&B
Burgemeester Geyskensstraat 4
B-3580 Beringen
+32 495 04 95 77